Clean Language is a simple set of questions developed by therapist and psychologist David Grove. The questions use the clients own words and language to direct their attention to some aspect of their experience. Asking these questions in the right context often results in an interesting new insight or the recognition of some new possibility. These insights are then developed to create meaningful outcomes, new thinking about what to change and how to do that. It often results in metaphors being developed for our experiences which can be very powerful as they allow us to explore our world from a completely new and personal position.

Clean Language

Using Clean Language techniques has moved beyond the usual coaching and therapy world and is now being used in business, education and with teams. It has been employed as an interview technique and also to generate work as a scoping tool. Its flexibility and simplicity also makes it accessible to families and relationships as a communication tool to create much more understanding and clarity.

The benefits of learning Clean language:

  • Learn how to listen accurately and actively.
  • Know about how we make assumptions and how to overcome this.
  • Learn about the power of metaphor and how often we have these.
  • Know how to use metaphor and language to develop more understanding, trust and respect with others.

Clean Space

This amazing tool enables people, either individually or collectively, to externalise ideas or thoughts and explore them within a physical space. This can be done in all sorts of ways and places. It can be done inside and outside and with limited facilitation or questions it creates a shift in perception and perspective allowing more to be known about a topic, idea or goal.

The benefits of learning Clean Space:

When we exploring things by putting thoughts outside of us and in different places and then find out more about those we reach a very creative level. Possibilities are grown, understanding and insight is developed and those exploring become much more aware of the structure and network of their topics as well as potential and details that were previously hidden. Knowledge emerges and with that so does possibility and choice.